Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Writing in Future Tense in Resume Writing - Dont Do It Unless You Have to

Writing in Future Tense in Resume Writing - Don't Do It Unless You Have toI've been asked by many of my interviewers, 'is writing in future tense in resume writing'. It's an important question and it gets to the core of what writing is, what we should be doing and how we should think about it.The English language is rich in varieties but one thing is for sure: with some exceptions, it's all one language. This is true even for writing. Writing is a basic creative act; it takes us to our creative person as we think.So, writing in future tense is OK, but not all times. There are many writers who break up their sentences so that they can make shorter and more expressive. These writers may not have the same flow but are more expressive and able to create meaning for their words.Writing in the past tense is not necessarily wrong, but it's not necessarily right either. In fact, it is often misleading.If you want to create a story or a narrative, then in the future tense is where you should go. But if you want to create a situation will play out, then the past tense is where you should be.It's a choice, not a limitation. I'm not telling you to avoid writing in future tense. I'm just saying that you shouldn't use the past tense unless you have to.As far as writing in future tense in resume writing, that decision is up to you. Just remember that it can mean something different to everyone else. So, choose your own words carefully and don't limit yourself to anything but your own words.

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