Monday, December 30, 2019

Resignation Letter for a Dream Job Offer

Resignation Letter for a Dream Job OfferResignation Letter for a Dream Job OfferWhether you are leaving your job because youve found the job of your dreams, or for any other reason, you should provide formal notification to your employer that youre resigning. When you resign from a job, it is important to let your boss know in a formal resignation letter. Whether you give a reason, or not, is up to you. You can send a basic resignation lettersimply saying youre moving on, or let your boss know why. Below is an example of a resignation letter to notify your employer that youre leaving because you were offered your dream job and you simply couldnt turn it down. Give Two Weeks Notice If possible, give your employer the standard two weeks notice, or longer. If that is impossible, give the employer as much notice as you can. This will help you maintain a good relationship with your former employer. Make sure to include the date you plan to leave the company. This will give your employ er a clear sense of your timeline. Use the formal business letter format when writing your letter. If time is of the essence, you might consider sending a resignation email instead of a letter. You might choose to mention that you are only leaving because you found an ideal job opportunity. However, do not feel the need to go into great detail. Keep your letter brief. Make sure to give thanks for the time you have worked at the company. Emphasize that you are only leaving because this new position is a perfect fit, not because you are unhappy with your current position. However, if you were unhappy with the company, do not complain or say anything negative in your letter. You want to maintain a good relationship with the employer you never know when your paths will cross again. If you are able to do so, offer to help the company with the transition. You might offer to train a new employee, for example. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions about compensation or benefits, such as where or when you will receive your brde paycheck. You should send the letter to both your employer and to the Human Resources office. Human Resources will be able to answer these kinds of questions. Include anon-company email address or another form of contact information that you want to include, so that your employer can get in touch with you. This is especially important if you are leaving right away. Be sure to thoroughly proofread your letter for any typos. This is a professional business letter, so make sure it is polished. Resignation Letter Sample Dream Job Offer Your NameYour AddressYour City, State Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateNameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms. Last NameI am writing to notify you of my impending departure from the company. I plan to leave at the start of next month (August 1). I recently received the opportunity to enter my dream line of work. Although I have greatly enjoyed my time here, I just cant say no to this opportunity, and so I have to move on.I do hope that my absence will not cause any inconvenience within the organization. I will be more than happy to assist you in anything you need help with as you look for a replacement to fill my position. Please do not hesitate to reach out if theres anything at all I can do for you during my remaining time here, or in the future.I really appreciate your understanding. I have learned a lot during my tenure here, and you have been a pleasure to work with. However, its very important to me that I make this changewhile I still have the chance to do so.Thank you again for the opportunity to work with you. I do hope we can stay in touch as business colleagues, and I look forward to hearing about how the company progresses in the future.Sincerely,Your Signature(hard copy letter)Your Typed Name Expand

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How you can encourage your company to make an impact

How you can encourage your company to make an impactHow you can encourage your company to make an impactAnyone whos ever seen The Wolf of Wall Street knows that big business is often depicted as the big bad wolf. Of course, every company wants to turn a profit and keep their shareholders happy, but I know from experience that businesses can make money and be a force for good. And thats why we at B Lab, a nonprofit that helps entrepreneurs solve social and environmental problems through impact measurement, are committed to redefining success in business.Thanks to their size and status, many for-profit organizations are in the privileged position of being able to affect the social and environmental well-being of their communities - and even the world - through their everyday operations if theyre proactive about it.At B Lab, its our mission to help businesses build a more shared and durable prosperity that everyone on earth can benefit from. As a standards analyst, its my job to help companies navigate the B Corp Certification process, which classifies companies that are committed to positively influencing society and the environment. When a company becomes a certified B Corp, the financial gain of their shareholders is no longer their sole priority they are legally committing themselves to doing what is in the best interest of all stakeholders, including local residents, the local community, and the environment. Once they are certified, they receive a score based on the size of the impact theyre making.Thanks to my work, Ive had a front row seat as companies prioritized people and the planet in addition to profits. And, as it turns out, businesses that do so are actually at a huge advantage over other companies that dont. Part of my job involves going on site visits and interviewing employees about their job satisfaction, and I cant tell you how many times Ive heard employees of my generation say they value the transparency and forward-thinking leadership and e mpowerment thats prevalent at B Corp companies, especially compared to the working environments at more traditional companies.Fortunately, you dont have to be the CEO of a huge business to make a difference. I believe a single employee can convince their company to make significant environmental and social change. Want to help your company do more good? Heres how1. Find an allyStart by thinking about the changes you hope to make. For example, if you work at a company where you want to cultivate environmental stewardship by recycling more and conserving electricity, than you should first figure out who within the companys infrastructure is responsible for those things. If you have a personal relationship with that person or a mentor who can connect you, start there. If not, human resources is always a good place to begin those conversations.2. Express the value of what youre trying to doOnce youve identified an ally, you can then approach the companys leadership to explain how much y our plan could save the business, and why making such changes are great for the bottom line, company culture, and employee satisfaction. For instance, independent companies often dont think about things like water intake or energy usage. So, those are easy areas for an entry-level or mid-level employee to address, which also save a company money.3. Establish a plan of impactIn order to achieve your goals, you need a viable plan. Maybe its something you brainstorm with HR. Maybe its something you establish an internal committee to weigh in on. But, no matter what, you should outline specific initiatives you and your company can take to make a difference. Remember, these changes can feel overwhelming at first, so break them into steps and set achievable goals.4. Put it in writingYour plan should always include writing or updating a policy that clearly states what youre trying to achieve. For example, if want to institute a policy stating that employees can have 20 hours of paid time o ff to volunteer, putting that in writing and integrating that into the employee handbook ensures your company is going to make good on that promise.5. Hold yourself and others accountableOne thing that Ive seen work at the companies that Ive stewarded through the B Corp Certification process is instituting competitions that challenge and incentivize employees to stay on track with these new policies. A lot of companies use Slack or other messaging services, and theyll send out a message like Happy Friday The employee who recycles the most material today will win and then theyll promise some sort of recognition. Focus on making it fun while inspiring employees to get creative.6. If all else fails, be the change you wish to seeIf your company isnt onboard with making any changes, that doesnt mean you cant make changes on your own in an unofficial capacity. Sure, it can be a lot of responsibility, but you can engage your fellow employees directly to make a positive impact outside of th e main operational system. I know some manufacturing employees who formed a volunteer group outside of the office twice a week they volunteer at a local orphanage. It wasnt an official company effort, but they still got to do something impactful. And thats what matters most.Thisarticleoriginally appeared onTheWell,Jopwellsdigital magazine.TheWellisthedigital magazine of Jopwell,thecareer advancement platform for Black, Latino/Hispanic and Native American professionals and students.Subscribeto receive weekly stories and advice in your inbox.

Friday, December 20, 2019

5 reasons why your boss should be let go from the company

5 reasons why your boss should be let go from the company5 reasons why your boss should be let go from the companyHorrible bosses can make every day at work a nightmare - hereare five reasons why your bad boss should be let go.1. They crossa lineGiven the current climate surrounding sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, this should be abundantly clear, but even with recent efforts like the Times Up initiative, we know that instances ofteneither go unreported for a myriad of reasons or kurze unterhose through the cracks as an open secret.But ideally, your boss should never be able to sexually harass or assault you and get away with it.2. Barely shows up to workTheres a difference between occasionally being away on business trips while representing the company, and hardly being in the office at all.Everyone has to show up to work, but if your boss doesnt, its hard to escalate situations to direct management, get all your questions answered, check in on how youre performing, and put out major work fires that you really need assistance with.When your boss consistently fails to show up to work, they also fail the team and the company as a whole.3. Uses intimidation tactics to bully youSteve Tobak, a management consultant, a former senior executive of the technology industry, an executive coach, and managing partner of Invisor Consulting, writes in Inc. about the psycho-bully.Some managers run their groups or companies like games for their own sick amusement. Okay, thats bedrngnis entirely fair. The truth is that theyre usually victims of their own dysfunctions, meaning theyre not usually aware of being egotistical, controlling, narcissistic bullies who treat everyone like pawns and act out their childhood traumas on those unfortunate enough to end up in their sphere of influence.4. Blatantly disregards company policyYour supervisorin honestly couldnt care any less about it.Author and career expert Alison Doyle features violating company policy in a story in The Balance on reasons why employees get fired, but this also applies to bosses.Policies vary from company to company, and its a good idea to carefully review your companys policies when you get hired. Some companies, for instance, may have a policy on office dating, appropriate conduct in person and on social media, and much more. Make sure to follow these rules.5. People have a lot of bad things to say about themHeather R. Huhman,a career expert, founder and president of Come Recommende and a hiring manager,writes in Entrepreneurthat one reason to fire a supervisor is that employee complaints are on the rise.Something is obviously wrong when the human resources department starts receiving complaints from employees. Look for patterns in these complaints. Is the complaint always the same, though made by multiple people?Are women complaining more than the men or vice versa? Typically it takes an awful lot of dissatisfaction for employees to decide to contact HR, so all complaints should be taken seriously and investigated fully.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Acing the interview process

Acing the interview processAcing the interview processHow to effectively prepare for, manage and follow up an interview.Congratulations your hard work has paid off, and you have secured an interview. The interview is extremely critical given employers and recruiters use your presentation to make their final decision. Despite the growing discomfort in todays job market, this remains true.Preparing for the InterviewEnter an interview armed with a wealth of information on the company. When this is coupled with a solid understanding of how you can make a valuable contribution, you are automatically put at the front of the pack. Here are a few methods to enaya you stand out from the competitionFully exhaust the Internet when researching the companys reputation, financial status and recent developments. Reach out to your professional network for anyone who may have the inside scoop, and review annual reports and industry trade magazines to get all the facts.Review your resume again and fam iliarize yourself with the key points that you want to get across during the interview. It is very beneficial to create your mini career success stories ahead of time make koranvers that you choose examples that demonstrate how your qualifications are the right fit with the companys needs.Practice and rehearse your responses to standard interview questions like, Tell me about yourself, Describe your top accomplishments and Why should we hire you?Conduct a dress rehearsal to make sure that your suit or business attire fits right check your portfolio to make sure you have additional copies of your resume, and consider doing a road trip to the interview location ahead of time to assess commuting time.Managing the Interview ProcessThroughout your face-to-face interview process, you want to make sure that you are consistently promoting yourself as the solution. Clearly define your personal brand, unique value proposition and concise success stories in the Challenge-Action-Results format . Not sure where to start? Follow the steps below.Limit your responses to about 2- 3 minutes, and practice your presentation with a trusted colleague in order to minimize your level of nervous talk or rambling.Listen carefully to the interviewers questions, statements and comments to get a deeper understanding of the company and whether its corporate environment is the right fit for you. Remember it needs to be a two-way match.Dont be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat a question for clarity, and take your time giving the correct response.Make sure that you ask specific questions about the company and the position requirements before forming an opinion. Lean towards enhancing your career, not simply getting a job. Questions that you should consider include Is this a new position or am I replacing someone? How would you describe the work environment? What are the growth or promotional opportunities? and Tell me about your experience with the company.Always ask the interviewer ab out the next steps you should always walk away from an interview with clear expectations.After the InterviewIt seems like a simple, common-sense gesture, but so many job seekers overlook a thank-you notenzeichen or e-mail sent within 48 hours of the interview. (Only five percent of executive job candidates actually say thanks.) A highly effective thank-you note should mention highlights of the interview conversation and reiterate your interest in the position. Here are some pointersDo more than say thank you use the follow-up letter to address any questions that you feel you didnt answer well during the interview. If you may have neglected mentioning any critical additional information in the interview, use the card to relay your strengths..Evaluate your own interview performance. Consider questions like What were your feelings going into the interview? Were you uncomfortable during the process? Was this interview easier or harder compared to your last one? and What would you do di fferently in the next interview?Keep your job search going and accept other job interviews along the way. You should never cease your job search activities until you have been offered a position and you have accepted. No matter how well the interview went, never take that as a sign to slow down your overall job search efforts.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 qualities that helped propel Meghan Markle into her succesful new life

5 qualities that helped propel Meghan Markle into herbei succesful new life5 qualities that helped propel Meghan Markle into her succesful new lifeEven before she was a royal, Meghan Markle amassed a loyal following from her TV role onSuitsand her lifestyle siteThe Tig,but once she entered a relationship withPrince Harryin 2016, she has become a worldwide favorite. Audiences have watched Markle grow into a belovedfashion icon, a philanthropic world traveler, and an inspiring success.As we continue to obsess over everything Meghan - from her outfits to heracts of kindness- here are five things you probably didnt know helped propel the Duchess of Sussex into the exciting life she leads today.She finds meaning in her workSo much of our success relies on believing our work serves a real purpose - and Markle understands that. A royal source toldELLEthat Meghan is actually not only well-liked, but thatpeople are excited about her ideas and enthusiasm. In fact, Markle has shown a history of activism around causes that are important to her, going back to when she was just a child.Back in 1993, an 11-year-old Markle went ontelevisionto talk about a soap commercial that implied washing dishes was womens work. After creating buzz around her cause, the company changed their commercial. Working toward a greater goal makes your work all the more meaningful, and Markle has been able to find happiness and success in that crucial mindset.She understands the psychology of what we wearMarkle paid a visit to Smart Works, a charity that offers clothing and professional coaching to unemployed women with upcoming job interviews, theDaily Mail reported. The organization, based in West London, emphasizes the psychology ofwhat we wear to work- when we feel more like ourselves, we perform better. Markle has made news for her own fashion statements, liketrading in her high heels for flats- and shes opened up about paying just as much attention to thepurposebehind how we dress. We have a deep connection to what we wear, Marklesharedwhile presenting a fashion award to her friend this year. Sometimes its very personal, sometimes its emotional This connection is rooted in really being able to understand that its about supporting and empowering each other. By helping women in need find clothes that will help them succeed, shes supporting others in being their best selves.She gives herself permission to slow downMarkle understands that your mental health sets the tone for everything else in your life, which is why she has made a point to prioritize her well-being and carve out time for herself, even amid her myriad royal responsibilities. Although the Duchess was expected to join her husband on a business trip to Zambia in November, shedecided to stay behind, feeling physically and mentally exhausted from her taxing travel schedule. Instead of ignoring the signs and fighting through, Markle decided to slow down and take a break. And thats okay.She takes time to unplugR esearchshows that taking breaks from your devices can help you feel more present, less anxious, and generally happier- and it seems the Duchess of Sussex has embraced the science behindunplugging. In January of 2018, theDaily Mailpointed out that Markle haddeleted her social mediaaccounts, taking a break from the demanding nature of verbunden platforms. Although that was likely a condition of becoming a royal, Markle reportedly said she felt freer after doing so. She continues to prioritize hertime awayfrom her devices, allowing herself to succeed without the constant buzz in her pocket.She reminds herself that she is enoughDuring her time so far as a royal, Markle has faced a slew of negative rumors and unflattering reports. As a public figure who has occasionallyparted from royal tradition, Markle has certainly had to deal with the stress of criticism in the media. But among the backlash, she has quieted her self-doubt bymaintaining a positive mindsetandstaying true to herselfin hard times. We just need to be kinder to ourselves, shesaidin aninterview. You can have questions of self-doubt. But at the end of the day, you are enough exactly as you are.This article was originally published on ThriveGlobal.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Whispered Customer Service Representative Resume Sample Secrets

Whispered Customer Service Representative Resume Sample Secrets The Start of Customer Service Representative Resume Sample There may be hundreds of people also applying for the identical job opening so you have to make your resume stand out. Knowing that resume is the sole way to secure you to the work interview, you will need to write it in an outstanding way so that it grabs the interest of the employers and gets you the work prospect. The aim of your resume is to secure you a work interview. If you would like to upgrade your resume and win your fantasy job, you must begin with a new resume. Definitions of Customer Service Representative Resume Sample Thus, take a while to brainstorm any sort of public interaction youve engaged in. In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with our friendly support team night and day and get immediate assistance. Self-control Many times every dissatisfied customer will tell you how angry they are about your merchandise through the call or meeting. Do not neglect to set the days and time of the days youre available to get the job done. The very first thing which you are able to do is to locate a customer tafelgeschirr resume sample thats at least close to the format that you prefer to create. For the reason, its necessary to have a premium quality cv or resume that stand out from the others. Save a replica of your customer service resume to your hard disk so that you may use it again. For those who have a lot of experience in customer support, you can want to use a combination format to highlight both your years of expertise and accolades. Luckily, there are lots of companies offering employment services today. Call center representatives hear a great deal of negativity, and that means you must demonstrate that youre able to handle it. When it has to do with sales, call center representatives do cold calling and accept calls from those who need to buy the item or assistance. Its necessary to re tain your customer, if youd like to attain long-term business objectives. How to Get Started with Customer Service Representative Resume Sample? Whatever sample you decide on, make sure your CV is readable and gets attention from the recruiters at first. Below are a few important benefits of using readymade CV templates Professional Appeal lots of people feel that using the resume templates will impact your odds of getting job. Resume is a significant document stating your information essential for the job. If dont have any prior work experiences, you will have to compose a persuasive cover letter. Therefore, for your convenience, you have a superb chance to monitor the development of the assigned writer and make sure an essay will be ready in a timely way. Person handling the customer should have good communication abilities. Customer Service Representative Resume Sample for Dummies Developing a strong resume is a really significant part requesting work, either zugreifbar or off line. Writing a resume isnt simple, but by studying a variety of strategies and advice, you can learn how to create a form of resume that will get you one step closer to your final objective of locating a wonderful job. The ones you may see in the original job posting. A top quality sample customer service resume will incorporate several suitable key terms and phrases that could contain phrases like customer satisfaction, customer retention, processes or efficiency, based on the particular job. Providing satisfaction demands a comprehension of your customer profile and sensitivity to their requirements and aspirations. Becoming in a position to listen carefully to clients concerns and doing your very best to resolve their problems is the 2nd most important aspect that youre able to write about in your resume. It is crucial to encourage the customers to present their suggestions. If a customer gets beneath your skin or if youre scared you will involve your individual fe elings, step away from your desk or ask the client to hold as you take a few deep breaths. What Is So Fascinating About Customer Service Representative Resume Sample? The applicant seeks to match the functional needs of the applied job by making use of their qualifications they possess. Generic resumes dont always have what is necessary to get yourself noticed. Customer Service Representative Resume Sample - What Is It? For instance, if you work as a digital assistant for a technology company, you might want to aid customers troubleshoot issues with their devices. Offshore recruiting software development requires all the tiny information and is anticipated to supply a comprehensive set of applications for clients and clients. Its possible to take a look at sample chemical engineer resume on distinct sites which can help you to draft your own resume. Some customer service resume samples are offered online, and they could have the ability to present additional funktelefon tips regarding inclusions, but they might not always have the most optimum structure. Customer service representatives perform a wide selection of job duties. Working within the field of consumer service is among the toughest jobs in the business. It takes in a number of different jobs. It is used in many jobs at every level. Item Awareness A customer service employee should be wholly conscious of all facets of the merchandise theyre selling or promoting. It is an important part of every business. Customer services have turned into an extremely important aspect in business today. Excellent customer service leads to customers that are delighted with the service they received, but who may not go on to offer feedback or reviews for you as well as the firm. In reality, a customer service representative takes on a selection of meanings and definitions. In case you have any appropriate knowledge in hand, make certain you highlight it in the summary statement. After you are finish ed including the simple info in your customer service representative resume, be certain that you bring the low-key personality abilities. Its possible to take reference from such samples but dont copy the specific particulars.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

3 Ways to Handle a Large Candidate Response to Job Openings - Spark Hire

3 Ways to Handle a Large Candidate Response to Job Openings - Spark HireHow many times have you opened your email inbox to find hundreds of candidate applications to your job openings? It can be quite overwhelming to a recruiter with no process in place to handle such a large candidate response.However, there are a few easy steps you can implement into your candidate screening process that will help you better handle these situations1. Have a designated resume weederIf you have a recruiting assistant or an admin, check into the possibility of recruiting this person to help you weed through resumes. Having a resume weeder will save you hours of precious time and help you to quickly identify the best candidates.Your resume weeder does not need to be a recruiter or someone with recruiting experience. This person simply needs to be able to quickly skim resumes and send you the ones that match up to your needs.For example, you should be able to quickly explain to the resume weeder the key words and skills you are looking for on a candidates resume. With this information, your resume weeder should be able to quickly go through piles of resumes, identifying the ones that you would be interested in, and quickly forward them over to you for review.2. Have someone help with anfangsbuchstabe phone screensIn addition to recruiting help with weeding through resumes, having someone to help you with initial phone screens is another way to efficiently handle a large candidate response.Simply create a list of questions that are key to the job requirements. The same person that helped you weed through resumes could help with this task by calling the candidates (after the resume weeding) and going through the initial phone screen with them. This person should be able to provide info on the questionnaire as well as their opinion of the candidates attitude and interest over the phone.3. Utilize video interviewsOnce you have identified your select candidates, rather than figuring ou t how and when to schedule them for in-person interviews, consider video interviews. Unlike in-person interviews, video interviewing could save a lot of time in travel and preparation.Video interviewing will allow more flexibility for interview scheduling for both you and the candidate. In addition, video interviewing will save you time by allowing you to book back to back interviews without having an office full of candidates at once.How do you handle a large candidate response to your job openings? Please share your tips in the comments below.